Wednesday, 15 February 2012

Xani Kolac from The Twoks joined us in the studio at North West FM - 15 February

Xani Kolac (pictured) from The Twoks joined us in the studio at North West FM - 15 February 2012.

Off air Xani lets us know that she really enjoys visiting little community radio stations like North West FM, it is a bit like that at North West FM, people volunteering time to bring music and spoken word to an audience and her appreciation is shown on air as well.

Tim opens the synopsis by describing Xani as the Jimi Hendrix of the fiddle, the laughs just started there...

Xani takes us for a ride into her experiences at the Edinburgh fringe festival as a musical performer for a full month playing a few shows each week to a great response as well as spending time in the Canadian Rocky Mountains for 3 months in Banff living in a Hut surrounded by snow where they have a Creative Inspiring Centre which gave her inspiration to write The Twoks first EP and especially track 4 on it 'Northern Lights'.

This creative centre in Banff is available to artists, musicians, dancers and even mathematicians.  They also have classes where you can learn more about the arts from others around you, being mentors or professional development lecturers.  She also tells us about life in the Hut sometimes being homesick and feeling isolated but then as she got to know the people, she saw how supportive they were - they were all artists in the same boat.

She talks further about the review culture at the Edinburgh fringe festival giving us an example of a four star review and about peoples' desire to get reviewed at Edinburgh.  Tim aludes us to one of their reviews whose only criticism was that there weren't enough people in the crowd.

She gives us an insight into classical music, Irish fiddle music and Jazz which she has studied at the VCA in Melbourne, moving away in the end from classical music for her desire to write her own and jump into the original music scene here in Melbourne.

We also had some fun on other topics like talking about sunglasses with nose-pieces missing and Joel mentioned that cheese was needed once when he was $3 short.  We find that this change of subject away from music and about life usually provides some laughter.

She then plays a stripped down version of a song live called 'Do What I Want' which will feature on the next album, adding off the cuff percussion and getting our foots tapping with her strumming Violin style.  I know Tim and I can't wait for the album!

Finally we addressed some issues about film and whether The Twoks' music would be used in film.  We addressed some of the advantages and disadvantages of musicians using their music in film, TV and advertising.  Xani explains that if her music was to be used in film alongside bandmate Mark Leahy then it would happen without intention, I'm sure it would be a good opportunity.

With this amazingly original band, you can only imagine what is ahead for them!

If you are interested in The Twoks and like Tim and I can't wait to hear their album, you can visit their website:

Written partly from a transcript featuring Xani and Tim Woods, other part by Joel Stibbard
Co-Presenter 'Stibbard-me-Timbers' show at North-West FM

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